Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Issue of the Month: Kent County Health Disparities

Access to quality health care is one of the biggest concerns for people of Kent County. Several recent studies show that racially-centered and socioeconomic disparities exist today, with certain groups of people receiving less intensive and lower quality care. The KC Health Department held a forum of community stakeholders to discuss these disparities. The 2011 National Health Care Disparities Report found: (1) health care quality and access are suboptimal, especially for minority and low income groups, (2)Quality for these groups is improving, but access is not improving, (3) urgent attention is needed to ensure improvements in quality and reducing disparities. Representatives from the African American, Dr. Khan Need, Director of the African American Health Institute; Native American Community, Mr. Levi Rickert, Editor, Native News Network, and Ms. Pam Satterly, RN at the Sparta Hispanic Health Clinic addressed the audience about differences they see in their practices and experiences. There was considerable interest shown by the audience as evident from the level of attendance and questions. We as a county, need to be aware of these disparities, and help to find a solution within current resources. What hurts one segment of the population hurts us all.