Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Issue of this Month—Kent County Parks Collaborative Services Study

In 2010, a subcommittee of the Board of Commissioners Legislative Committee spent time identifying potential collaborative efforts of Kent County’s and other local governments’ “parks, trail systems, recreation, and open space preservation efforts…” The conclusion of this sub-committee was that we should conduct a more thorough study—with all local park/recreation departments invited to participate—of what services and amenities currently exist in our county, where there are some duplications and redundancies, where there are unique one-of-a-kind services, resources being used to provide these services, and a final presentation of a model system or structured relationships that could be formed to maximize benefits and minimize public funding of the parks, trail systems, open space, and recreation activities within the entire county. All local jurisdictions have been invited to participate in this endeavor. So far Kentwood and Wyoming—among many other locals governments—have agreed to participate. The $100,000 cost to complete this is being covered by grants and each participant’s small contribution. The County Board Chair will appoint the citizens committee once all local jurisdictions have indicated a commitment to participate, and have provided names of suggested local citizens to be on the study. The timeline is for the study to be conducted this fall and winter, with a final report due next March or April. I would welcome any of your thoughts about this process.